
Established working relationships in Germany & worldwide

  • ARD
  • ARTE
  • BBC
  • Disney+
  • HBO
  • NBC Universal
  • Netflix
  • RTL+
  • SKY
  • ZDF

A prime documentary powerhouse, producing internationally acclaimed, award-winning documentary features and series for cinema, TV and streaming – for the national as well as for the international market.

We are passionate about committed films and thrilling storytelling – the spectrum of topics ranges from gripping crime documentaries to touching biographies, spectacular nature and adventure series to contemporary music and cultural productions.

Operating under the umbrella of LEONINE Studios since October 2022.

our team


At beetz brothers film production, we are committed to providing a safe and respectful working environment. That is why we have established proactive measures to prevent and effectively address issues such as bullying, abuse of power and discrimination or similar incidences on our film sets or at company locations. Our structured reporting system and regular training courses promote awareness and contribute to a positive working atmosphere.

If support is needed, our confidentiality office is always available. The team at the confidentiality office consists of two experienced, specially trained employees who offer support and advice in a confidential and discreet manner.

You can contact the confidentiality office by sending an email to Vertrauensstelle@leoninestudios.com or using our anonymous contact form.