The Veterinarian Hospital
About the caprices, triumphs and tragedies at the biggest European veterinarian University.
About the caprices, triumphs and tragedies at the biggest European veterinarian University. Whether a horse, a dog or a parrot – they are all operated here when necessary. But the patients are not able to talk about their complaints. It takes highly diagnostic skills to figure out, why and where they are sick. The doctors are working closely together with the pet owners. Veterinary science is similar to infant care. Moms and dads are talking to their babies. Six hospitals are specialized in operations and therapies for animals, where the animals are handled with just as much care as in a hospital for human beings. Each hospital has a waiting area, reception, examination rooms, laboratories, pharmacies, intensive-care-stations, around the clock standby and green surgical clothing creating a human medical surrounding. Operations and care include consultation for abnormal behavior, artificial hip joints, intracardiac catheter, glass eyes, brain surgery, diabetic adjustment, laser operation and chemotherapy – except for organ transplantation. The doctors and students are practicing everything medically possible in this hospital for little pets. Around 15 500 patients are medicated annually, 2500 of them stationary. High-tech medicine for pets is applied on an everyday basis in this veterinarian hospital in Hannover.
Written by
Reinhardt Beetz
Matthias Michael
Directed by
Keti Vaitonis
Reinhardt Beetz
Oliver Gurr
André Dekker
Thomas Fischer
Keti Vaitonis
Reinhardt Beetz
Gerrit Ohlsberg
Anke Weiland
Jan Tilman Schade
Moe Jaksch
Commissioning Editor
Anne Even
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„Just in diesem Moment überraschen uns die aus dem Theaterbereich stammenden jungen Regisseure Hans Block und Moritz Riesewieck mit einem erstaunlichen Dokumentarfilm, der seit Monaten Publikum und Kritik auf den wichtigsten Festivals der Welt elektrisiert. Völlig zu Recht: Es ist, als würden einem die Scheuklappen weggerissen, als sähe man das, was sich seit Jahren direkt vor unseren Augen abspielt, zum ersten Mal unverschleiert... eine fesselnde ,Doku noir' mit höchstem Anspruch...Dieser Film müsste an allen Schulen gezeigt werden.“
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung